Apr 30, 2014


Lilacs from my friend garden make me happy. 
My grandparents had lilac bushes and the smell reminds me of them.

My son got his first homework at the age of four. 
I broke my hob with a sweet potato.
These things make me sad. Or I was sad and these things came on top.

Here is a picture of my friend Cs wonderful coffee cake.
She made it for  our Women´s Lunch a while a go.
I got my usual coffee shakes after eating too much of this cake.
I would still do it again, it is that good. This week I had the Sainsburys substitute.
Reading Kylie Kwong´s cookbook My China makes me peaceful.
What is it about cookbooks that is so reassuring?!

holiday and work

 I had a holiday in London with my son in Finland.
My good friend M came to visit and made it real.
 We enjoyed the spring and the warm. 
We went really deep in to the culture of shopping.
Like here at the Liberty, 
one of the oldest and most peculiar department stores in London.
 M´s visit would have not been complete without us going to our favorite wine bar.
After this great break I was of to work again. 
Busy with three kids and my own, 
I have for the last two week only slept in my spare time.
As it is the last day of April I decided to make up for my blog silence. 

Apr 12, 2014

Following Art

A man asked me in Cambridge, where I was from. I answered London. He then asked, where I was originally from. Oh, yes I am from Finland. Sometimes I get weary to answer these questions. About this and lots more is our exhibition Follow the Fellow at Murray Edwards College in Cambridge.
Genevieve Guetemme took pictures of Fellows and Followers homes,
places with contemporary stamped on them.
 Elke Papp in her costume for the performance for the opening.
I am very happy to have my work shown in Cambridge. I am also holding private video screenings for people at my home in London. With my video pieces I am finally able to make sense of couple of last years madness. My videos are a proof of what I did I. Could I just show them next time somebody asks what do I do for living?