Mar 31, 2015

immigrants in books

I just finished two books about moving to a new country. Tracy Cevaliers The Last Runaway tells a story of an English woman moving to America. The main caracter is missing the exact things that take me time to get used to here in England; the rainy mild weather and the subtle manners of people´s approach. 
Zidaine Lindans Letters from Japan  two Russians immigrants in Finland and in Japan are having a dialog about their new home coutries. This book made me laugh of the ways of the Finns; the silent treatment and the obsession with Arabia tableware. 

walking in the marshes

Mar 29, 2015

Virvon varvon

 It is Palm Sunday and we made Easter Branches.
My sons Easter decorations where little bit more unconventional. 
He made a parrot egg and a king egg.
We brought Easter Branches to friends dressed as wizzards and witches.
We recited childrens poem Virvon varvon to them to wish happy Easter.

Mar 26, 2015


I write in my diary very often. I write mostly to overcome a bad mood or to plan ahead. My son started his own diary. There is something I can learn about his positive self image. He writes: I like drawing, because I am so good at it. More sentences like this in my diary!
We ate spinach pancakes again. I bought special lingon jam from IKEA for it. My son made me try them with banana. It was a good combination.

happiness is...

Happiness is sailing faraway with a good friend.
(in Prinsess Diana Memorial Park)
Happiness is playing for real.
(in V&A Museum of Childhood)