Dec 20, 2015

reading light

 Here is my life in a bookshelf; Movable Marriage and London.

Christmas lights are welcome to stay for the whole winter.

Someone else has just discovered the light of reading.

Dec 18, 2015

last day of school

It was the last day of school before Christmas.
My son shared his hot chocolate and candy canes with me to celebrate.
Note to self:
It is the small pleasures you share 
that make Christmas.

Dec 15, 2015

winter of my memories

I was looking through photos for a project and stumbled op on this one. When I think of winter, this is the photo that I reminisce. What does your winter memory look like?

Dec 14, 2015

gingerbread tradition

Every year, since my son was one,
 we have made gingerbread cookies
 with my son´s friends. 
It is a nice way to ask people to come over. 
I have refined the tradition, 
so that each step is made with different set of friends.
The second evening 
I stayed up late baking the last cookies from the plentiful dought. 
That evening my son did not feel sleepy and helped me.
 These decorations tasted good
 and were really nice looking as well.

Dec 13, 2015

a weekend outing

Dulwich Picture Gallery had a great exhibition about Escher.
We enjoyed the outing to South London.

Dec 12, 2015

having breakfast

This morning
I wanted to read my book and have a slow long breakfast.
My husband wanted to sleep and my son wanted to build a den.

Dec 11, 2015

Christmas decorations make me happy

 Colours, lights and glitter are one of the reasons I like Christmas. 
Seeing decorations makes me naively happy.

Dec 10, 2015

glitter and rust

 We visited the Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park.
It was a surreal experience with glitter and rust.
My son loved it.