Apr 23, 2015

book to open

I had looked at the title Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? by Jeanette Winterson many times at the bookshop. It spoke to me, because I am always struggling in my mind about fitting in. I am very good at faking being by the norm, but never quit have it in me to really be normal. Jeanette Winterson suggested that maybe being happy is more important than being normal. What an idea!

Regent´s Park at bloom

 I am smitten by English spring and all the flowers that are in bloom.
 Our favorite park at the moment is Regent´s Park.
 It has two good playgrounds, less people, beautiful gardens and a decent cafe.

mackerel kale salad

I had kale and mackerel. What could I do? I did a potato salad.
Here is my Sous-Chef at work.

Sunny London

We spend our Easter holiday mainly in sunny London. 
My husbands sister came over and we hanged out in parks.
My son played in 
the Prinsess Diana Memorial Fountain 
paddling pool in Hyde Park.


 On a beautiful day we headed for Rye.

Apr 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

Our Easter tradition is to make a map of easter eggs. 
Easter bunny leaves this on my sons table during the night.