Oct 16, 2014


 We hang the curtains for my mother-in-law.
 Scandinavia comes to England. 
 She bought us William Morris cups to go with the theme.

Five years ago

Five years ago I was a different person. 
I had a tiny baby, but I was not a mum yet.
 Now he is five and
 I am everything that comes with the word mum.
He has changed so much in me.

flowers and a diner on a Sunday

Columbia Road Flower Market is beautiful with all the colors of the rainbow. 
I visited it with my friend L on a sunny Sunday.  
Heathers in disco colors. 
I would love a cactus collection like this.

 After browsing thru the flower market we went to the Breakfast Club.
I felt like walking in to Luke´s diner in Gilmore Girls. 
It was more crowded with London style cool people,
but the food was really yummy.