Nov 9, 2015

Olympia park with best of friends

 When we were traveling around the wold, one of my worries was, that my son will not have a best friend. I am happy to say, that he now has good friends. As I listen their conversations, I am transported to a new land of 6 year olds. It is peculiar, what is funny to them and what things they take serious.


 This was a test to blog from my phone. I had this photo from the summer. I love views from rooftops. This one is from Helsinki.

Nov 4, 2015

finding meaning in design

 Sometimes it is hard to find one´s way, one´s place in London.
Maybe I am getting there.
This was a beautiful day at the Design Museum 
with a good and inspirational friend T.
 I saw a perfect tea heater Miito 
by Nils Chudy and Jasmine Grasse.
 I wanted to read Riposte women´s magazine because of its cover.
Most beautiful object caucht my eye.
A chair by Raw Edges Design Studio UK.
 I ate Syrian cookies with my colourful friend T.