Dec 24, 2012

24. Sweet Christmas!

There is a display of gingerbread castles at the Sheraton Hotel in Seattle.
My favorite is Alice in Wonderland theme.
This rare bird I caught at the Seattle Centre Library.

Dec 22, 2012

22. american woman

 I bought Lucky Jeans,
 Smashsbox blush 
(very pink and it actually suits me!) 
and Laura Mercier BB cream
  and also a Washington University sweatshirt.
This is my American disguise.

Dec 21, 2012

21. ordinary day

 Twice a week we walk to the library for the story hour.
 My son is proud of his snowflake stamps.
We play with stuffed animals and look at the cookie houses. 
Mister Computer can sit in front of the computer screen for 15 minutes "working".
Nothing happens on the screen but he types and clicks.
We get our lunch soup from Grateful Bread.
My son is always ready for a dessert cookie and so am I. 

Dec 20, 2012

20. friends

We got post today. 
Letters from friends back in Finland. 
My son was already hoping to get some letters
and we where both happily surprised.  
This is my Twilight tree at our backyard. 
Whenever (quite often) when it is raining,
I look at the tree and imagine friendly vampires on the top branches. 
Last weekend I got to see the last episode of the saga.
What made it really good, was sharing it with a new friend.

Dec 16, 2012

17. making cookies

We baked the gingerbread cookies the next day. 
We invited extempore A and M to bake with us 
when we saw them at the playground that morning. 
Children mostly enjoyed eating the dough and moms made the cookies. 
The cookies looked ok, but they did not taste anything like real Finnish gingerbread. 
It was a disappointment to me but my son liked them all the same. 
The taste of the cookies was a lot better when we decorated them the next day
 with Jelly Beans, marshmallows and colored sugar. 
My son came up with a new topping combination; marshmallows and sweet popcorn.
It is weird and delicious.
I made also popcorn strings for our Christmas tree.

16. making a dough

I made gingerbread dough at home.
I had help making the dough.
 It was delicious.