Feb 22, 2015

afternoon tea at Selfridge

It was a rainy day in London,
perfect for shopping and afternoon tea.
My good friend dr. M had come to visit me from Finland. 
Here she is setting us up in social media.
Cakes looked almost too pretty to be eaten.


This was taken on our Christmas holiday in Finland. 
My son was crazy about these snow hills. 
I could not make him leave even though I was freezing. 

 Since Christmas I have been busy just surviving everyday life. The men have been in Finland now for a week. This week I have had time to think and do things I wanted for a long time, like write in my blog. I was doing the dishes the other day and realised that this is my life here in London. I was happy about it. 
But still sometimes, I wake up from a dream of a snowy landscape or after my talk with my mom in Skype, I get an ache to go back. For now spring is almost here in London. I am buzzing with ideas for art and for life. I am also waiting for my super long Finnish summer holiday.